Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

Nterest in the Drosophila ovarian tumor gene OTU sparked a bioinformatics
Nterest inside the Drosophila ovarian tumor gene OTU sparked a bioinformatics search that identified numerous OTU homologs in eukaryotes and viruses, and predicted that the 180 residue OTU IRAK1 Source domain encoded a novel household of cysteine ETA web protease DUBs [52]. Shortly thereafter OTUB1 and OTUB2 have been isolated from HeLa cells and shown to cleave isopeptide linked Ub [53]. In humans there are actually 15 OTU DUBs which will be evolutionally divided into three classes, the OTUs, the Otubains (OTUBs), along with the A20-like OTUs [21]. Members in the OTU DUB family show exceptional specificity for different poly-Ub chain linkages. OTUB1 is hugely distinct for K48-linked chains, even in mixed chainNIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author Manuscript NIH-PA Author ManuscriptBiochim Biophys Acta. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 January 01.Eletr and WilkinsonPagelinkages, whereas OTUB2 can cleave both K63 and K48-linked poly-Ub [54, 55]. The A20 enzyme is precise for K48-linked chains, Cezanne prefers K11-linked chains, and TRABID acts on each K29 and K33-linked poly-Ub [56-58]. Crystal structures with the human OTUB1, OTUB2, TRABID, A20, and yeast Otu1 enzymes have revealed the conserved catalytic OTU domain which consists of the S1 web page, and N-terminal residues in TRABID and OTUB1 that type the S1′ internet site [55-57, 59-61] (see Figure 2B S1S1′ nomenclature). The active web page on the OTU domain includes an uncommon loop not observed in other thiol-DUBs and can lack an clear catalytic AspAsn [57, 60, 61]. In OTUB1, Ub-aldehyde binding for the S1 active web-site induces structural rearrangements at the S1′ site, suggesting only K48 poly-Ub linkages productively engage each web pages yielding a positioning in the isopeptide bond that permits catalysis [54]. The A20 and OTUB1 enzymes have displayed uncommon modes of activity (discussed in later sections) as they directly bind to E2 enzymes [62, 63]. OTU DUBs show outstanding specificity for unique Ub chain linkages and may recognize substrates on the basis of those linkages. two.1.four Josephin domain–In humans you will discover four proteins that include the 180 residue Josephin domain (Ataxin-3, Ataxin-3L, Josephin-1 and Josephin-2) and all have already been shown to possess DUB activity, although to unique extents, towards Ub-AMC, Ub-peptide fusions, and K48 poly-Ub or K63 poly-Ub [64, 65]. Ataxin-3 and -3L include C-terminal extensions composed of two tandem UIMs (Ub-interacting motif), a poly-Gln stretch, and an extra UIM in ataxin-3. The UIMs in Ataxin-3 have been shown to promote Ub-binding, its ubiquitination, and its K63 chains specificity [66-68]. Ataxin-3 will be the best studied from the Josephin members of the family as an expansion of its polyglutamine stretch offers rise for the neurodegenerative disorder Machado-Joseph illness (also called spinocerebellar ataxia variety 3) [69]. Attempts to gain insights into Ataxin-3 function led to a bioinformatifcs study that predicted Ataxin-3 was a cysteine protease DUB [70]. Shortly thereafter this was confirmed when Ataxin-3 was shown to bind long K48 poly-Ub chains and trim Ub from poly-ubiquitinated lysozyme, an activity inhibited by Ubaldehyde [71]. Analysis of Ataxin-3 substrate specificity identified it might bind longer K63 and K48 poly-Ub (five), but its activity is extremely specific towards K63 linkages in homogenous and mixed chains [66]. Thus, the Josephin domain DUBs could specialize in distinguishing between polyubiquitin chains of different lengths. The answer structures on the Ataxin-3 Josephin domain, alone and in.